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5 Reasons Kanye West is more saved than most Christians

Writer's picture: Gennie FlorenceGennie Florence

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

First of all, this title is clickbait. No one is more saved than anyone else. Either you are saved or you are not. There is no tier of salvation or Jesus. Either Jesus is king of your life or not. Jesus said of himself in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Salvation is simply Jesus being Lord of your life. Either Jesus is Lord or you are Lord of your life and that is what will decide if you are saved and going to Heaven. How much you know about the Bible, Church, being a good person, none of those things are how you get to heaven. They do matter of course but salvation is all about Jesus and you. That's the Gospel and that's why Kanye can be saved. Good people don’t go to Heaven, evil people who make Jesus the Lord of their life will. So this list, in essence, is 5 reasons I know Kanye West is saved.

1. Kayne said Jesus is king.

In the Bible Jesus said “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.”

2. “It’s so hard to get along if they only see the slight.” - Kanye West

In his song “Hands On”, Kanye is pretty frank about his criticism from Christians that judged him because of his history and still hazy surroundings with not being part of any well-known church. When truthfully if Kanye can’t be saved because of his past or current issues then no person in the history of salvation can be saved. Jesus does this amazing thing for anyone that wants Him, called grace. Faith in Jesus is how you are saved. Salvation is not based on our surroundings, past, or upbringing. It is only the acceptance and faith of Jesus being your Lord that saves. When I was 5 years old I accepted Jesus into my heart and everyone cheered. No one questioned my seriousness or background. If God has had grace on you then allow him to have grace on anyone else that needs Jesus. Since I was 5 years old I can’t tell you how many times I have had bad theology and walked away from church but I’m still here now at a church teaching Sunday schools and being faithful to Jesus with the life God gave me.

3. Kanye understands Chickfila

“Closed on Sundays” is this wonderful love ballad. It’s about keeping family safe and loving God through the Sabbath. Chick-fil-a is closed on Sundays to honor God through not working one day a week. This was a Jewish practice in the old testament. Something most food companies would never consider. Kanye says “Your my Chick-fil-a, your my number one, with the lemonade.” Obviously this could be anything but being in a relationship with Jesus causes you to have an affection for the things that honor God. This phrase means God is first in my life and that makes my family my most important priority. Sadly many men get so tired of life and work that they lose sight of this and families usually get neglected. But understanding God means understanding how important family and the people you love are. They are as important as our number one, which is God, who we honor on a Sunday, with our lemonade. CHICK-FIL-A!!!

4. Kanye will use this Gospel

In his song “Use this gospel” there is a line at the end that says, “hold onto your brother when his faith lost.” Also in that song, he says the line “Use this gospel for protection.” When Jesus is Lord of your life then He becomes your defender. You no longer have to get even with anyone in order to live a purposeful life. Jesus is Lord and vengeance is His. The Gospel of Jesus protects us from needing to get even and also from being lied to about who God is. It is extremely hard to get to Heaven. But with Jesus, all things are made possible. Including everyone going to Heaven. Heaven is no longer for the religious elite, the moral perfectionist, or the predestined holy sibling. When Jesus becomes king in your life, the gospel message He brings will protect your heart and soul in this life and the next.

5. Jezebel don’t even stand a chance - Kanye West

Song: Closed on Sunday

Jezebel is a woman in the bible who hated God’s way and preachers. She was known for living a life that worshiped beauty and sex. They did many things in order to please their god called Baal. Including killing infant children and sex parties. Jezebel is a representation of a way of thinking that says sex fixes everything and its ok to do anything that pleases your body. Essentially, you are a god and your desires should be worshipped. So when Kanye says Jezebel don’t even stand a chance you must understand how far of a change this is. Even if Kanye didn’t act in this way everything he did before He got saved encouraged this kind of culture. To the point where some people (Christians even) would say that Kanye married a woman that was like this in Kim Kardashian. There was a woman in the Bible that was brought to Jesus because she was “caught” having sex with a man that wasn’t her husband. They asked Jesus what they should do with her as the law from Moses (Like the 10 commandments but more laws) said that the woman should be killed by stones being thrown at her. Jesus bent down and wrote in the sand and after a while said to them, “if any of you are without sin then you throw the first stone”. One by one they all left the woman there, dropping their stones down on the ground. Jesus then looked at the woman and said he didn’t find her guilty; he told her to go and sin no more. Even now more than ever when we accept Jesus he is looking at us (Kanye & Kim included) saying you are forgiven, go but don’t let sin go with you.

Saul was on the Damascus road. He was good at two things; judging Christians and killing Christians. Suddenly a bright light flashed and he was thrown off his horse and unable to see. It was Jesus. He heard His voice but couldn’t see Him. Jesus would forgive Saul and make him one of the greatest disciples to ever be documented in the new testament. This Saul goes on to write ⅔ rds of the new testament. Saul. Not one of the devoted disciples in the gospels. Jesus didn’t choose someone who went to the Christian church every Sunday. He chooses Saul who by all accounts hated Jesus as much as anyone could.

Over time Saul becomes known by his Roman name Paul and goes through a lot of changes. It didn’t happen overnight. He would go through many ups and downs and be criticized by new Christians and old Christians alike. However, the Bible proves one thing. No man who has put his faith in Jesus is unsavable. I’m not saying that Kanye is like Paul. I’m saying Kanye is Kanye. If Jesus could handle Paul and put him on the right path to writing about His glory instead of killing Christians then maybe, just maybe, Jesus can help Kanye to live for God’s glory. If Jesus allowed Saul to grow into Paul (his roman name) then you can allow Kanye to grow into Kanye. If you doubt this then just read your bible. It’s filled with sinners that couldn’t be saved but are. Jesus, the hero of the Bible story, can save anyone that will believe.



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